Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Winter arrived

Winter arrived last night.
The clouds are touching the hill. There was a little frost also, gently coating the grass.
It's not raining, just one of those days when you feel like it is time to light the fire and stay Publish Postlonger in bed.
Not much to say about the Melbourne show ...it was probably an exercise with intangible result... will see what the people from Totally South will report...
Paul made the new compartments in the storage room. We'll be bottling next week.

Hannah from HelpX left and Aimee arrives Thursday.
Father and Son had a music session

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Tornero said...

hello Pali!

Jól szól az a Gitár???

St. Imre Vineyard (Helpx) said...

Persze, hogy jól szól :-)régen hallottad...