Saturday, November 1, 2008

Debudding and dumpling making

All week we were working on de-budding the trunks of the grapes. It's going well, not much left to finish. Tracy helped and while she was working in block 4 the neighbors' horses came over and asked for some 'better grass' :-)
We had nightly cooking lessons, here we're making chinese dumplings
and the result...
She left for Melbourne to fly out home next week and Sara arrived from Canada.
We buried Timur on the hill at the Robinia forest. He is sleeping with his teddies and bunnies, his soul watching over us, protecting us to eternity...I still cry every day...
But life goes on......the native hens hatched 4 fluffy balls of chicks. It's their first brood, they were quiet successful. 2 of our hens and 3 ducks are still sitting on eggs.
We bought the timber for the under-windows shelves and the pendant lamps.
Have a happier weekend then we have and give a pat on its boofy head if you have a dog...

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