Saturday, April 19, 2008

Picking date fixed

Autumn colours are blazing,
picking time is well and truly on us.

Started the tests last week and parameters showing 2-3 more weeks before we start picking, depending on varieties.
Picking Party will be on the 10-th of May :-))
Paul remodeled a few hills. Took out a hawthorn tree and started to level the land for a storage site where he'll keep the tractor implements, building materials and various "junk"...
(sorry Paul, I know it's NOT junk but any piece of metal and timber I don't know what it will be used for, IS junk to me :-)) ) It is the burial place for Janos' first car also :-)
We had news from the nursery in Scottsdale that our trees are ready to pick up so we'll be going up North on Monday. Last year we ordered the poplars for a windbreak and the robinias for our Honey Forest. The robinias are not only sentimental value for us -back in Szentimre we used to take the bees out to the robinia forest- but here in Tassie we'll be the first ones to produce pure Robinia Honey.
Ohhh..and check out my new haircut ...:-)) we have a new hairdresser in town! Gail moved down from Sydney and bought Caza's salon. Sea-changers. Welcome to Dover!

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