Monday, July 13, 2009

The Master Winemaker REALLY looks like a pirate now :-)

Another very busy week is behind us...
Bianka and Tamas left us, they are on their way to New Zealand, but not before they painted the wine storage and Bianka even devised some tagging system for the shelves :-) Thanks a lot !!!! We'll never forget you! Keep in touch.
We had a function. A great bunch of people celebrated a beautiful lady's birthday at St Imre. Thanks for picking us and we hope you all had a good time.
And now for the most scary and exciting event of the week...Paul had his right eye operated on. Dr F. Burgess changed his lens to alleviate the pressure building behind his cornea. He had to wear a patch over his eye for the day and we laughed ourselves silly watching the reaction of the people on the street :-)) He looked like a bikie after a bed night out :-) and he wasn't even wearing his usual bandana, only when we arrived home :-)) Look at him now: he can't deny his pirate origin :-))) Pity, the patch wasn't black :-) Doc took the facial accessory off today and the master winemaker can't believe how well he can see already!!!!! Fingers crossed, he doesn't collect an infection, because -if everything goes alright- soon he'll have the other eye done and he may not need glasses at all...
Cheers for now.


Esz said...

Teehee, Dad does look like a pirate! ;-)

Evi said...

Hey Kat&Paul =) ...
I just rediscovered your blog - you are doing sooo well!! Awesome!
My first year at uni is almost over and right now I'm taking exam after exam haha. Love it!
Hope all is well!

St. Imre Vineyard (Helpx) said...

Thanks Evi for coming by again :-)
Good luck with your exams!