Saturday, February 13, 2010

Tasting plates

I've prepared some plates as samples for the tasting menu.
Costed them at $ 15.00/plate. Tell me what you think....
The coffee machine is working beautifully but I still have to juggle with the frothing wand to get exactly what I want.
Sylvain, the current helpxer, is putting together our professional website. Fingers crossed it will come alive soon... so you don't have to read all my ramblings if you don't want to :-)
I've been playing with Youtube also. See if I can show you Rozsika and Peter impersonating the Sound of Silence at St. Imre :-)
I've passed my medication management exams...pwhhhhh
Paul is plastering the bedroom walls upstairs....Eszter you should visit more often to hasten the finishing of the house! :-))))


Esz said...

They look really good mum! I recently had a ploughmans platter thingo at a cafe nearby home and it was $18.50 - it came with 3 cheeses, chutney, ham/salami and some pear. I think this one is much more value and with more food!

The cows are so cute too :-D

KM said...

It looks yummy, good value too. Congrats for passing the exam!
Klári xx

St. Imre Vineyard (Helpx) said...

Thanks Klari :-))

Tornero said...

Jól táplált tehenek!

St. Imre Vineyard (Helpx) said...

Szepek a tehenkeink :-)))

flower said...

very good task

St. Imre Vineyard (Helpx) said...

Thanks flower :-)